Huffines Institute - Articles

Archive by month: 2017-2Return
Man - The Only Animal Crazy Enough for Distance Running

Man - The Only Animal Crazy Enough for Distance Running

  • 2/26/2017 9:25:00 PM
  • View Count 2663
Alexis Appelquist, Huffines Producer     Leagues of people gather at the break of dawn, creating a sea of neon colored nylon and spandex, all with the fixed determination of a distance typically anywhere from 5k to 26.2 miles. Endurance running has become the favorite pastime of suburban moms and ex-military fitness enthusiasts alike, with roots anchored even before ancient Greek tales of the marathon and extending to modern day world-class athletes. In retrospect, humans are far ...
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The Science Behind the Fad Diet

The Science Behind the Fad Diet

  • 2/19/2017 8:07:00 PM
  • View Count 6801
Alexis Appelquist, Huffines Producer   Everyone has that one friend who always seems to be attempting some new diet regiment. Maybe they’re doing a juice cleanse in order to detoxify their system, or trying to eat nothing but raw vegetables. Odds are they read about it in a magazine, saw it on a commercial, or have a distant relative-in-law that swears they took six inches off their waistline with this latest trend. Lately, you may have heard of going Paleo or the Whole30 or the ...
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In My Language I Am Smart!

In My Language I Am Smart!

  • 2/12/2017 6:47:00 PM
  • View Count 2910
Xuewei Chen, M.S.This is an exciting year full of adventure for Mr. and Mrs. Wang. They both retired in China and came to the US to reunite with their daughter. Upon arriving to the US, Mr. and Mrs. Wang encountered so many challenges because of their limited English proficiency and ignorance of US health systems. Every time they need to visit a doctor, their daughter has to be there with them to translate and explain everything. They are proud of their daughter. They want to be supportive of he...
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Motor Skills: What Kind of Practice Makes Perfect

Motor Skills: What Kind of Practice Makes Perfect

  • 2/5/2017 5:27:00 PM
  • View Count 7481
Taewon Kim, M.S.Our daily life requires complex procedural skills, which are basically presented sequential movements, such as playing a musical instrument, driving a car, typing a computer keyboard, and texting with a smart phone. Thus, learning sequence movements become very important to people to live more efficiently. For example, driving a manual vehicle, which are sort of decision making movements, requires a complicated pattern of subsequent motor skills while changing down a gear from th...
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