Dr. JP Bramhall Faculty Research Seed Grant Program 

Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human Performance



Named after Dr. JP Bramhall, one of the founders of the Institute and a member of the Institute's Advisory Board from 1999-2021, the purpose of the Dr. JP Bramhall Faculty Research Seed Grant program is to provide limited financial support to Huffines’ Affiliate Faculty members for research that contributes to the mission of the Huffines Institute and that will provide data leading to proposals for extramural funding.



To be eligible, you must be a faculty affiliate member of the Huffines Institute of Sports Medicine and Human Performance (go to HuffinesInstitute.org to apply for Affiliate Status). These grants ARE NOT limited to faculty at Texas A&M University in College Station. All faculty from Texas A&M institutions & campuses are welcome to apply.




  • An Affiliate may not receive more than one Dr. JP Bramhall Faculty Research Seed Grant in a two-year fiscal period.
  • Funding is limited to direct costs associated with conducting research. Costs for producing a research report and/or computer equipment and software are not allowed.
  • Travel requests must be clearly justified and linked directly to data collection. Requests for travel to professional meetings will not be considered.
  • Dr. JP Bramhall seed grants are limited to $7,500 direct costs.
  •  Funds from this award will begin September 1 of the award year 
  • Applications will be evaluated on scientific merit. The JP Bramhall Faculty Research Seed Grant requires applicants to provide a clear description of how seed funding will contribute toward the development of successful extramural research grant proposals.


Post Award Requirements

  • Submit a written report of the research results by the end of the award period. The report must document publications and external grant proposals supported by this award. Lack of external proposals from the grant will hinder consideration of the faculty member for further seed-grant opportunities.
  • All publications and presentations of the results of the funded research must be credited to the Sydney and J.L. Huffines Institute of Sports Medicine and Human Performance.


Submission Procedures

  • Deadline for the next submission is May 15, 2025 .
  • Grantees will be notified by letter of their application outcome by August 1, 2025.
  • Email the Huffines@tamu.edu. for additional information and submission updates